Activities Strand 2

Comparative studies – Language-variation: grammatical & sociolinguistic issues

WP3. Morpho-phonological & morpho-syntactic variation (coord. Sabrina Bendjaballah, CNRS LLING & Azeb Amha, Leiden ASC)

One of the salient characteristics of the Afroasiatic languages is the fact that they use morphophonological processes to express various categories that are encoded in the syntax in other languages, e.g. Indo-European. For this reason, the questions pertaining to the morphophonological / morphosyntactic interface are crucial for a proper understanding of the grammar of these languages. ALL is expected to foster a fruitful interaction of phonologists and syntacticians, and thus to bring to light new generalizations on the intricate morphosyntactic systems of Afroasiatic languages.


  • Bedar, Amazigh & Lucie Quellec. 2020. l-alternations in Taqbaylit. In: K. Jaskuła (ed.), Phonological and Phonetic Explorations. 11-28.
  • Bedar Amazigh, Lucie Quellec & Laurence Voeltzel. 2021. Epenthetic glides in Taqbaylit. Journal of African Languages and Literatures 2. 1-29.
  • Knežević Nataša & Amazigh Bedar. à par. Numeral reduplication in Taqbaylit. In: Bensoukas K. & A. Korangy (eds). Essays on Berber Languages and Linguistics. Springer.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & Martin Haiden. à par. On Berber Verbs of State. In: Bensoukas, K. & A. Korangy (eds). Essays on Berber Languages and Linguistics. Springer.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & David Le Gac. 2021. « The acoustics of word-initial and word-internal voiced stops in Somali ». Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA).
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina. 2022. Somali Oral Corpora «SOMCOMP» [Sound] NAKALA.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & David Le Gac. 2022. Somali Oral Corpora «SOMGEM_DJIB» [Sound] NAKALA.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & David Le Gac. 2022. Somali Oral Corpora «SOMGEM» [Sound] NAKALA.
  • Fathi, Radwa. 2022. Ablaut in Cairene Arabic, The Linguistic Review
  • Fathi, Radwa. sous presse. Vowel length and Prominence in Cairene Arabic. In:
    Breit, F., Y. Yoshida & C. Youngberg (eds.), Elements, Licensing and Government. London: UCL Press.
  • Kossmann M.G. 2021. On the reconstruction of ‘one’ in Berber, Etudes et Documents Berbères 45-46: 215-237.
  • Kossmann M.G. 2021. Proto-Berber phonological reconstruction: An update, Linguistique et Langues Africaines 6: 11-42.
  • Le Gac, David & Sabrina Bendjaballah. 2020. Preboundary lengthening in Somali. Proc. 10th International Conference on Speech Prosody 2020: 156-160. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2020-32
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2020. Transfer of Swahili ‘until’ in contact with East African languages. In: Smith N., Veenstra T. & Aboh E.O. (eds.) Advances in contact linguistics: in honour of Pieter Muysken. Contact Language Library no. 57, Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 217-233.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2020. Iraqw. In: Vossen R. & Dimmendaal G.J. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of African languages. Oxford Handbooks Online Oxford: Oxford University Press. 577-597.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2021. The typology of tone and Cushitic, Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 62: 91-106.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2021. The grammatical primacy of tone in Cushitic, Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 62: 1-15.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2021. Nominal number in Cushitic. In: Cabredo Hofherr P. & Doetjes J.S. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Grammatical Number. Oxford Handbooks Series, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 522-538.
  • Nilsson, M. 2023. Somali. In: The Oxford Handbook of Ethiopian Languages, ed. By Ronny Meyer, Bedilu Wakjira, and Zelealem Leyew. Oxford University Press.
  • Nilsson, M. Somali Teaching Materials,
  • Olthof M., Lier E. van, Claessen T., Danielsen S., Haude K., Lehmann N., Mous M.P.G.M., Verhoeven E., Visser E., Vuillermet M. & Wolvengrey A. 2021. Verb-based restrictions on noun incorporation across languages, Linguistic Typology 25(2): 211-256.


  • Amha, Azeb. 2022 . The concept of biitta ‘soil’ in Wolaitta, Ethiopia, Understanding Materiality, Material circulation and Local knowledge II, Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University, online, 10/03
  • Amha, Azeb. 2022. Value Orientations Underlying Greeting and Leave-taking Expressions in Ethiopian Languages, Seminar of the Linguistics Department of the University of Ghana, Accra, 24/08, online.
  • Bedar, Amazigh & Lucie Quellec. 2020. The internal structure of /l/ in Taqbaylit. Morpho-Phonological Variation in Nantes, 17/01.
  • Bedar, Amazigh. 2020. La représentation phonologique du préfixe du réfléchi en kabyle. Issues of Amazigh Studies: The Challenges of Today and Tomorrow. Napoli-L’Orientale, 26-27/11.
  • Bedar, Amazigh, Lucie Quellec & Ali Tifrit. 2022. Post-sonorant occlusivization in Kabyle. Réseau Français de Phonologie 2022, Porto, 7-9/06.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & Martin Haiden. 2021. The Causative of Intransitives in Somali. Somali Studies International Association(SSIA) 2021 Congress, online, Jigjiga, 2-4/07.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & David Le Gac. 2020. The Acoustics of Somali Geminates, LabPhon 17, 6-8/07.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & David Le Gac. 2021. On Somali Geminates. AFRA 2021, online, Frankfurt, 1-3/07.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina & Saalim Saciid Shariif. 2020. Brève présentation du système sonore du somali. Formation à destination des travailleurs sociaux dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec l’association Rajo, 24/11.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina. 2022. The role of templates in the morphology of Berber stative verbs. Workshop on prefixes vs suffixes in Afroasiatic, Paris, 11-12/03.
  • Bendjaballah, Sabrina. 2022. Les verbes de qualité en berbère. David Cohen. Cent ans de linguistique (chamito-)sémitique en France. ENS-Ulm, Paris, 1-3/12.
  • Fathi, Radwa. 2020. La vocalisation des verbes sains en arabe égyptien. Séminaire de Linguistique Sémitique et Contact des Langues en Méditerranée, INALCO, Paris, 5/03.
  • Fathi, Radwa. 2021. L’apophonie et les dynamiques de changement dans le système verbal de l’arabe égyptien (le parler du Caire), Atelier de Phonologie, SFL, Paris 8, 31/03.
  • Fathi, Radwa. 2021. L’apophonie et les dynamiques de changement dans le système verbal de l’arabe égyptien (le parler du Caire), Séminaire de Linguistique sémitique et contact des langues en Méditerranée, INALCO, Paris, 04/03
  • Le Gac, David & Sabrina Bendjaballah. 2020. Preboundary lengthening in Somali. Speech Prosody 2020, 25/05-31/08.
  • Nilsson, Morgan. 2022. The functions of the Somali verb particles soo and sii. Workshop on Cushitic Languages, LLACAN, Paris, 3–4/11.

Research stays

  • Samir Ben Si Said (Centre de Recherche en Langues et Cultures Amazighes, Bejaïa), Nantes, 9-11/10/2021


  • Amazigh Bedar (LLING), Morphophonologie et structure argumentale des verbes anticausatifs en kabyle. Nantes Université, 9/12/2022.
  • Célia Moumène (LLING), Une exploration phonologique : à la découverte de la consonne épenthétique /gh/ en kabyle de Boudjima. Nantes Université, 23/10/2023. M2.

Groupe de travail sur la microvariation en kabyle

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WP4. Language contact: Sociolinguistics, contact-induced change coord. Jairo Guerrerro, Catherine Miller, IREMAM & Maarten Kossmann, Leiden LUCL)

As most languages in the world, Afroasiatic languages experience various types of linguistic contact. This is particularly the case between Cushitic, Omotic and Semitic languages in the Horn of Africa, where the three families have co-existed for millennia. Contacts are also massive between Arabic and Nilo-Saharan languages in Africa, between Arabic and Berber languages in North Africa, and between Arabic and Modern South Arabian languages in the Arabian Peninsula. Language contact can be viewed as one of the triggering factors for linguistic change, and each of the situations above entails different degrees of linguistic heterogeneity raising important questions about the causes of contact-induced change.


  • Nadia Comolli, Julien Dufour, Marie-Aimée Germanos (eds). 2021. Libellules arabes, sémitiques, italiennes, berbères : études linguistiques et littéraires offertes à Jérôme Lentin par ses collègues, élèves et amis, Paris, Geuthner, 846 pages (ISBN 978-2-7053-4089-6).
  • Dufour, Julien. 2021. Le moyen arabe en chanson : le cas du ġināˀ ṣanˁānī, in: N. Comolli, J. Dufour & M.-A. Germanos (eds), Libellules arabes, sémitiques, italiennes, berbères : études linguistiques et littéraires offertes à Jérôme Lentin par ses collègues, élèves et amis, Paris, Geuthner. 463-504.
  • Hachimi, Atiqa, Jacopo Falchetta & Montserrat Benítez-Fernández. 2022. Diglossia and beyond: Revisiting Arabic vernaculars in the contemporary Maghreb, numéro special de l’International Journal of the Sociology of Language, ISSN: 1613-3668
  • Hachimi, Atiqa, Jacopo Falchetta & Montserrat Benítez-Fernández. 2022. Contextualizing the rise of vernacular Arabic in globalized North Africa, IJSL, vol. 2022, no. 27, 1-22.
  • Falchetta, Jacopo. 2022. Moroccan Arabic in TV fiction: promoting de-localised individuals to model speakers, IJSL, vol. 2022, no. 278, 203-227.
  • Falchetta, Jacopo. à paraître. The ‘unnecessary’ use of French in Moroccan Arabic: social discriminant or collaborative enterprise?, in: Pfadenhauer, K., S. Rüdiger & V. Serreli, Global and Local Perspectives on Language Contact, Berlin: Language Science Press.
  • Fathi, Radwa. sous presse. Quelques mythes à propos du système vocalique de l’arabe du Caire, Canadian Journal of Linguistics.
  • Guerrero, Jairo. 2021. On Interdental Fricatives in the First-Layer Dialects of Maghrebi Arabic, Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 13, pp. 288-308. 
  • Guerrero, Jairo & Montserrat Benítez Fernández. 2022. The Jebli speech between the media and the city: Exploring linguistic stereotypes on a rural accent in Northern Morocco, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 278, pp. 181-202, file:///C:/Users/guerrero/Downloads/10.1515_ijsl-2022-0015.pdf 
  • Guerrero, Jairo. à par. 2023. Dialect variation across generations in Berkane (North-Eastern Morocco): The case of interdental fricatives, Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam
  • Guerrero, Jairo. à par. 2023. Analyse linguistique d’un corpus épistolaire en moyen arabe : les lettres luso-marocaines conservées aux archives nationales de la Torre do Tombo, Arabica
  • Kossmann M.G. 2021. « Devenir » en rifain. In: Merolla D., Caubet D., Naït Zerad K. & Cassuto P. (eds.) Les Études Berbères à l’ère de l’institutionnalisation de tamaziɣt: Mélanges en l’honneur de Salem Chaker et Abdellah Bounfour. Tira-Langues Littératures et Civilisations Berberes / Tira-Languages ​​Berber Literatures and Civilizations Paris: L’Harmattan.181-195.
  • Kossmann M.G. 2021. Moroccan indefinite determiners in Dutch, The Mouth. Critical Studies on Language, Culture and Society 8: 132-155.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2020. Language isolates and the spread of pastoralism in East Africa. In: Crevels E.I. & Muysken P.C. (eds.) Language dispersal, diversification and contact: a global perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 240-249.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2021. The Iraqw society reflected in their language. In: Aikhenvald A.Y., Dixon R.M.W. & Jarkey N. (eds.) The Integration of Language and Society: A Cross-Linguistic Typology. Explorations in linguistic typology Oxford: Oxford University Press. 312-341.
  • Mous M.P.G.M. 2022. Tanzania and Kenya: appraisal of continued richness in languages, The Journal of Linguistics and Language Education 16(1): 113-131.
  • Corriente, Federico, Christophe Pereira & Ángeles Vicente. 2022. Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la péninsule Ibérique. Encyclopédie linguistique d’Al-Andalus, vol. 5. De Gruyter, Berlin-Boston.
  • Vicente, Ángeles. 2022. From stigmatization to predilection: folk metalinguistic discourse on social media on the northwestern Moroccan Arabic variety, International Journal of the Sociology of Language 278, 133-154.
  • Vicente, Ángeles & María Ballarín Rossel. sous presse. Arabic-speaking Spaniards in Ceuta: Linguistic attitudes and identities, Sociolinguistic Approaches to Arabic and Spanish in Contact, Jonn Benjamins, Amsterdam.