International conferences & workshops


Somali Workshop IV, organized by Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING) and Martin Orwin (Napoli L’Orientale) – Naples, Italie.


Workshop on Berber Linguistics IV, organized by Malika Assam (IREMAM), Amazigh Bedar (LLING), and Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING) – MMSH/Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme, Aix-en-Provence.


Verbal Morphology in Modern South Arabian Languages, ENS Paris. Collab. ANR ALMAS


Somali Workshop III, organized by Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING) and Morgan Nilsson (Gothenburg Univ) – Univ. de Göteborg, Suède.


Workshop on Berber Linguistics III, organized by Amazigh Bedar (LLING) and Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING) – online.


Workshop on Berber Linguistics II, organized by Amazigh Bedar (LLING), Sabrina Bendjaballah (LLING) and Jairo Guerrero (AMU, IREMAM) – MMSH/Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme, salle Duby, Aix-en-Provence.

Programme Berber Linguistics Workshop


Somali Workshop II, Nantes, organized by S. Bendjaballah (LLING)


“ALLMAS” Paris Workshop on Arabic and the Ancient & Modern Languages of South Arabia, co-organized by Almas (ANR19 CE27-0025) et ALL (IRN CNRS)


Variation linguistique et diglossie dans les médias numériques arabophones, organized by Rosa Pennisi & Jairo Guerrero (Aix-Marseille Université/IREMAM)


Journée d’échanges, en collaboration avec l’Association Culturelle Berbère de Nantes


Ideologies, attitudes and social variables: their role in the variation and (socio)-linguistic change in Arabic vernaculars, Escuela de Estudios Arabes, CSIC, organized by A. Vicente (UZ) & M. Benitez Fernandez (EEA, CSIC), Granada

2020/11/12-13 – Kick-off Meeting

ALL’s kick-off meeting (originally scheduled on May 6-7 in Nantes) has been postponed due to the ongoing pandemic. The kick-off metting was held online on November 12-13.

Members of the network : you can access the slide-decks of the kick-off meeting by clicking here