Online Seminar: TSL-The Somali Language

June 13-14 2024

Somali Workshop 2024, Napoli L’Orientale

Monday May 13 2024, 9h-11h

Morgan Nilsson (Univ. of Gothenburg), Conditionals

Monday April 15 2024, 9h-11h

Tirsit Yetbarek (REDSEA Cultural Foundation, Hargeysa), Sociolinguistic dynamics of the Somali language dialects

Monday March 25 2024, 9h-11h

Martin Orwin (Napoli L’Orientale), More on conjunct hyperbaton in Somali poetry

Tuesday February 13 2024, 9h-11h

Hawa Abdillahi (Univ. de Djibouti), L’alternance codique (linguistique) somali-français dans le somali des jeunes djiboutiens

Monday January 29 2024, 9h-11h

Jaamac Muuse Jaamac (REDSEA Cultural Foundation, Hargeysa), What Qaraami songs tell us about the Dhaanto metrics in poetry: an empirical evidence from the Somali Corpus

Monday January 15 2024, 9h-11h

Giorgio Banti (Napoli L’Orientale), The language of Sheekh Axmed « Gabyow » or « Wacdiyow » (1844-1933). A poet from Cadale in southern Somalia

June 12-13 2023

Somali Workshop 2023, Göteborg Univ.

Monday April 24 2023, 9h-11h

Giorgio Banti (Napoli L’Orientale), Variation in written Somali

Monday February 27 2023, 9h-11h

Martin Orwin (Napoli L’Orientale), Delayed coordinands of iyo in Somali poetry

Monday January 16 2023, 9h-11h

Morgan Nilsson (Göteborg Univ), Mapping the regional variation in Somali vocabulary through crowd-sourcing. From questionnaire to dictionary maps

Monday December 12 2022, 9h-11h

Jaamac Muuse Jaamac (REDSEA Cultural Foundation, Hargeysa), Common Natural Language Processing toolkit for Somali and other East Cushitic languages

June 10-11 2022

Somali Workshop 2022, Nantes

Tuesday May 10 2022, 14h30-16h30

Christopher Green & Katrina Smith (Syracuse), Tone in the Kenyan Maay nominal system

Tuesday March 29 2022, 13h-15h

Nicola Lampitelli (Tours) & Christopher Green (Syracuse), Vowel Harmony in Djibouti Somali: preliminary notes from fieldwork

Tuesday February 22 2022, 10h-12h

Giorgio Banti (Napoli L’Orientale), Of verbal nouns and agent nouns in Northern Somali

Tuesday January 18 2022, 10h-12h

Martin Orwin (Napoli L’Orientale), Some thoughts on the structure of Somali metrical templates

Tuesday November 30 2021, 10h-12h

Morgan Nilsson (Göteborg), How many inflectional forms does a Somali verb have?

Tuesday June 22 2021, 14h-16h

Giorgio Banti (Napoli l’Orientale), Sentential complements in Somali

Wednesday June 2 2021, 10h-12h

Martin Orwin (Napoli l’Orientale), Poetic speech melody in the modern performance of Somali poetry

Tuesday April 13 2021, 10h30-12h30

David Le Gac (Univ. Rouen), On Somali Prosodic Structure

Wednesday March 10 2021, 10h-12h

Sabrina Bendjaballah & Martin Haiden (LLING Nantes), The Causative of Intransitives in Somali